Saar Rahav, Associate Professor

Research Interests:

Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, Molecular Machines, Fluctuation theorems, Quantum Thermodynamics

Short Synopsis:

1.  S. Rahav and P. W. Brouwer, PRL, 95, 056806 (2005).
2.  S. Rahav and C. Jarzynski, J. Stat. Mech., 2007, P09012.
3.  S. Rahav, J. Horowitz, and C. Jarzynski, PRL, 101, 140602 (2008).
4.  S. Rahav and S. Mukamel, PNAS USA, 107, 4825 (2010).
5.  S. Rahav, U. Harbola, and S. Mukamel, PRA, 86, 043843 (2012).
6.  S. Asban and S. Rahav, PRL, 112, 050601 (2014).