Ayelet Lamm, Assistant Professor

Research Interests:

Fundamental epigenetics processes affecting gene expression and regulation

Short Synopsis:

We study fundamental epigenetic regulatory processes affecting gene expression and regulation in the C. elegnas transcriptome. We are currently working on the interaction between the pathways of RNAi, RNA editing and genomic imprinting. We employ high-throughput sequencing of RNA and small RNAs and high-resolution genome-wide chromatin profiling combined with basic genetics and molecular biology methods.


Barkan, R., Zahand,  A.J., Sarabi, K. Lamm, A.T., Feinstein, N., Haithcock, E., Wilson, K.L., Liu, J. and Gruenbaum, Y. (2012) Emerin and LEM2: essential roles in C. elegans development, muscle function and mitosis. Mol. Biol. Cell. 23(4), 543-552.
Wu, D., Lamm A.T. and Fire A.Z. (2011) . Competition between ADAR and RNAi pathways for an extensive class of RNA targets. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 18, 1094–1101.
Lamm, A.T., Stadler, M.R., Zhang, H., Gent, J.I. and Fire, A.Z. (2011). Multimodal RNA-seq using single-strand, double-strand, and circligase-based capture yields a refined and extended description of the C. elegans transcriptome. Genome research. 21(2):265-75.
Lamm, A.T.*., Gent, J.I. and Fire, A.Z.* (2010). Modifying the gene model of rrf-3.  The Worm Breeder’s Gazette. 18(3):5. *Correspondence authors
Gent, J.I.*, Lamm A.T.*, Pavelec, D.M., Maniar, J.M., Parameswaran, P., Tao, L., Kennedy, S. and Fire, A.Z. (2010). Distinct Phases of siRNA Synthesis in an Endogenous RNAi Pathway in C. elegans Soma. Molecular Cell. 37(5), 679-689. *equal contribution (Highlighted in Molecular Cell with a preview article).